Steven Wenban

Guest Lecturer

Steve Wenban commenced his international sea-going career in the late 80’s with the BHP Fleet based out of Newcastle, NSW. During his time serving in BHP ships he sailed in ships that traded internationally to Europe, the America’s, Japan, South Korea and New Zealand but especially throughout the Indo-Pacific and south-east Asia regions.

Steve gained his AMSA issued Master Class 1 (Master Unlimited) Certificate of Competency in 2001 and has also added the specialty “endorsements” of petroleum, gas and chemical tankers as well as the sailing ship endorsements for both square rigged and fore & aft rigged sailing ships.

A traditionally trained ships Master, Steve has always enjoyed the challenge of applying traditional navigation and seamanship techniques and has presented training and education sessions to industry and community groups on the traditions of celestial navigation, maritime exploration, some famous ship wrecks and the use of marine sextants and paper charts (unusual skills in this day of GPS satellite positioning and electronic charting). As well as gaining a Master’s Certificate of Competency Steve has completed tertiary studies in nautical science, education and maritime terrorism and has worked in positions applying all of that experience.

Ashore, Steve has served as a maritime trainer, sea-going fleet trainer, HSEQ Manager, Designated Person Ashore (DPA), marine assurance, standards and cargo operations and has been the Harbour Master for a number of Western Australian ports since 2014 and recently added the role of Director Maritime Environmental Emergency Response (MEER) and Ports to his duties. Steve has been active within the shore based maritime community, serving for three years as the Company of Master Mariners Australia (CoMMA) WA Branch-Master, working on the World Maritime Day festival at Fremantle Ports and other community education and awareness events.

Steve has a very keen interest in Australian maritime history especially the recorded history of discovery and exploration of Australia by early European maritime explorers such as the VOC, PP King, William Dampier, James Cook and Matthew Flinders. He enjoys sharing his passion about maritime exploration, traditional navigation, sailing ships and all things maritime.

Steve has also enjoyed extensive travel both in Australia and overseas. After years of being a merchant seaman and travelling the world he has further indulged his passion for travel, learning about world cultures, the geology of far flung places and the value of conserving wild places.

Steve has been a Guest Lecturer with Coral Expeditions since May 2022 and especially enjoys the voyages around WA and the offshore reefs.